OPERA IN CONCORSO Sezione Scultura/Installazione
The Divine Light
fine art photography, uv light
84.1 x 118.4cm
Annalisa Cosentino
nato/a a Palermo
residenza di lavoro/studio: London (UNITEDKINGDOM)
iscritto/a dal 05 mag 2014
Altre opere
Installation room
uv light + black velvet curtain
3 m by 1m and 50 cm by 3 m (h)
Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Born and raised in Italy, Annalisa developed her deep passion for photography while studying Cinema at “ La Sapienza “ University in Rome.
In 2005, after her graduation she moved to London.
In 2007 Annalisa undertakes a BA in Photography at the University of East London where she graduates in 2010.
At the present day, Annalisa works as photographer and film maker in the independent Film industry. She co-produce and co-ordinate an Art TV program on an Austrian Channel web streaming worldwide.
Yet, her personal projects are mostly oriented towards conceptual photography and experimental film and influenced by any form and content of human expression.
My photography installation project ”The Divine Light” is inspired by the Divine Comedy” book written by Dante Alighieri.
The project focusses on the theme of the role of the ’Light” ( and its absence) which is the principal source and key reading either for the book and photography.
The project consists of a personal interpretation of the Inferno(Hell) by investing modern means and meanings.
The installations aims to create a disturbing environment in which the viewer by entering the room experiences an uncomfortable atmosphere. The tightness of the room, the big scale photograph posted at the end of it and the employment of the UV light are different elements which are indispensable to each other in order to produce distressing feelings. Their employment play an important key role in the reading of the photograph. Giving that, the content of the picture operates on a symbolic level. Recalling signs of existentialism, the photograph delivers either a personal interpretation of Hell in a tangible form and creates metaphors for the condition of human existence, The interpretation of Hell have found its way. The tree of Life is now represented in Hell craving for money. : the biggest curse of all times.
More info:
The Divine Light title, given to my project is a deliberate association of two words which respectively refers to the Divine Comedy poem and the concept of light itsef. The reason why such an association is made comes from my deep personal interesst in both subjects. As a photographer my attention is constantly focused on light as much as its perception, conception and function. In parallel a profound passion for the Divine Comedy poem inevitably brought to my attention the actual importance of the light symbolically employed throughout the powerful verses. This is fundamentally crucial as a mean to illustrate and illuminate in both the Comedy and Photography that has fuelled the basis of my work.
Even working on different levels the Divine Comedy and Photography are led and run by the same source: Light. Both The Divine Comedy and Photography are served by the leement of light. The first in order to create metaphors and symbolism for the condition of human existence and the second, as Roland Barth affirmed, to repeat mechanically (by recording light patterns on sensitive film), that which could never be repeated existentially.
Although, each gives imagination in a tangible form and delivers signs of existentialism, light is an actual active agent for both.
Moreover, I would like to point out that my interpretation will not be limited merely to the content of my photograph only but also by the enviroment in which my image will be taking part.
The photograph, in fact, will be displayed in a darkroom and it will be visible only by the employement of a specific light called BLACKLIGHT OR UV LIGHT.
The black light tends to highlight and overexpose the white color especially in a dark surrounding. The white color seems to get off any kind of surface it belongs to, creating an impresive magic and surreal effect. This is also the reason why the photograph is taken in black and white and printed on a specific paper. By the use of this light my aim is to create and underline a tense atmosphere in which the viewer will be completley immersed. Due to the nature of my installation, which will be working on a mainly symbolic level, my aim is to suggest a certain dramatic sense which I think appropriatly reflects the poem.