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Allison Kotzig | Irreversible Forest
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Irreversible Forest

Allison Kotzig

nato/a a USA

residenza di lavoro/studio: Slovakia (SLOVAKIA)

iscritto/a dal 06 feb 2015


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Allison Kotzig | Centaur Forest

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Centaur Forest
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Allison Kotzig | Drowning in the Ghosts of the Night Sea

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Drowning in the Ghosts of the Night Sea
video, video

Allison Kotzig | Summer Reverie

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Summer Reverie
video, video

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

This is a modern fairy tale situation discussing the danger, confusion and fear underlying normality, much like the classic fairy tales, where children wander into the forest and suddenly find themselves in danger. This speaks to our current situation where we assume we are walking in safety and security but, as world events such as domestic and international terrorism, school and workplace shootings show, the normal environment to which we are habituated can suddenly turn into an unrecognizable and terrifying maze of survival.
The shift in consciousness that results, the erosion of security, the erasure of the reliance on perceived safety is what is explored. That this level of existence lurks beneath and beside our everyday lives fascinates me as an artist.
The frailty and unacknowledged arrogance of the belief that we have control over our environment is explored, its failure recalls the powerlessness and terror of childhood, a state all too easily forgotten in the nostalgia of adulthood.
Allison Kotzig explores concepts of Infinity, Cyclicality and Fertility through her series of work, Ouroboros.
Mixed media sculptures that explore the timeless concepts of Infinity and Fertility. A child-like awe of the beauty and mystery of the universality of the divine feminine as she generates life.
Born in New York in 1971. Seized by wanderlust, she spent many years travelling and primarily resides in a small village in the Carpathian Mountains of Slovakia.