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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Pittura

Eilish | The Realm of Gleeful Subversion
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The Realm of Gleeful Subversion
ink, color and crayon, rice paper
145 cm x 75 cm


nato/a a Hong Kong

residenza di lavoro/studio: Hong Kong (HONGKONG)

iscritto/a dal 09 mag 2015

Under 35


Altre opere

Eilish | The Guardians (A set of 2)

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The Guardians (A set of 2)
ink, oil and color, rice paper
140x75 cm each

Eilish | The Feast of Rou Rou

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The Feast of Rou Rou
ink, oil and color, rice paper
179x92.5 cm each

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Wong received her BA (2010) and MFA (2013) from the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, specialises in Chinese Gongbi Painting. She lives and works in Hong Kong, and takes part in International exhibitions both overseas and in Hong Kong, her works are collected by private collectors.
Her early works show her interest in the travel of the spirituality of lines, as well as the contemporary significance of traditional Chinese art through superimposition.
Rou Rou Zi (柔柔子) is underscored in her recent work, which draws reference from both the Chinese “lucky boys” (童子), an auspicious icon in ancient China, and the fictional character, Pinocchio. Through the Rou Rou Zi itself and interactions with other characters, the artist depicts the contradictions between human nature and the world in her art piece, while shining with the light of hope, freedom and joy.


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