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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Grafica

Luke Engle | Bound for Silverton
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Bound for Silverton
charcoal/drawing, hot press watercolor paper

Luke Engle

nato/a a USA

residenza di lavoro/studio: Petoskey (UNITEDSTATES)

iscritto/a dal 11 apr 2015


Altre opere

Luke Engle | Sacred Sequoia- Ethereal Glow

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Sacred Sequoia- Ethereal Glow
charcoal/drawing, hot press watercolor paper

Luke Engle | Rocky Mountain Highway

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Rocky Mountain Highway
charcoal/drawing, hot press watercolor paper

Luke Engle | Above Tahoe

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Above Tahoe
charcoal/drawing, hot press watercolor paper

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

In 2014 Luke Engle came back to life, winning awards in a large number of international exhibitions. In 2015 he’s been featured in prestigious publications, awarded in many exhibitions, and has created a strong presence in social networks around the globe. Steadily on the rise Luke Engle is capturing the attention of visual art enthusiasts worldwide.
Art Philosophy-
Everything we see is essentially light. Studying the effects of light I’ve learned to see hidden potential and draw it out. Charcoal drawings on high-quality watercolor paper provide an excellent opportunity to strengthen values, resulting in enhanced tonality and contrast.

Galleries/Exhibited- ArtAscent, Art Design Consultants, ARTROM Network, Art Discover, ArtInvesta, ArtOrca, Arlington Artists’ Alliance/Gallery Underground, Contemporary Art Gallery Online, Colors of Humanity Online Gallery, Exhibeo, Four Points Contemporary, Leading Artists’ Online Gallery, Light Space and Time Online Gallery, Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Richeson 75, Studio Visit Magazine, UK Arts Directory, Upstream People Gallery, and more.