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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Grafica

M_Ramos | The Lion from Erlangen
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The Lion from Erlangen
pointillism / stippling, opaline paper


nato/a a Rio Grande Do Sul - RS

residenza di lavoro/studio: Erlangen (GERMANY)

iscritto/a dal 17 apr 2015


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M_Ramos | The Lion from Berlin

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The Lion from Berlin
pointillism / stippling, opaline paper

M_Ramos | The Lion from Würzburg

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The Lion from Würzburg
pointillism / stippling, opaline paper

M_Ramos | The Lion from Passau

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The Lion from Passau
pointillism / stippling, opaline paper

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Graduated in Fine Arts by Universidade Belas Artes in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with High Graduation in Impressionist Divisionism, develops pieces in Pointillism / Stippling since 2000.
His works range from Editorial and Scientific illustration in order to Particular Paints and Sculptures to 3D Animation and Taxidermy.
He currently resides in Erlangen – Germany – where he works in his studio and divides his time between the clipboard and art classes.

His pieces include private collections of artists and collectors of Brazil, USA and Europe.
Currently only exposes his pieces for private collectors.