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Ricky Bardy | Daydream Cowboys
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Daydream Cowboys
30 min

Ricky Bardy

nato/a a USA

residenza di lavoro/studio: Warren (UNITEDSTATES)

iscritto/a dal 09 apr 2015

Under 35

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

My work makes use of dry humor coupled with a serious or dark undertone to evoke creative ways of thinking. I tend to gravitate toward mediums, such as film or comics, in which compelling narratives are told in both word and image. Film, comics, and other popular mediums are much more accessible to the general public, than say painting or sculpture, because of the ability for many people to view or own a print or digital copy of these works. I prefer simplicity, an economic approach to my storytelling, giving just enough information to bring the reader into the narrative: nothing extraneous.