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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Grafica

Shirin Salehi | ...There, there are the originals of the gardens where we used to roam and hide from this world... (tribute to Vladmir Nabokov)
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...There, there are the originals of the gardens where we used to roam and hide from this world... (tribute to Vladmir Nabokov)
printmaking (etching on two zinc plates), black velvet somerset paper 280 gr.
76 x 112 cm.

Shirin Salehi

nato/a a Teheran (Iran)

residenza di lavoro/studio: Madrid (SPAIN)

iscritto/a dal 06 apr 2015

Under 35


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Shirin Salehi | Discours sur les ombres (discourse on the shadows)

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Discours sur les ombres (discourse on the shadows)
printmaking (etching on two zinc plates), black velvet somerset paper 280 gr.
60 x 100 cm.

Shirin Salehi | Invitation to a beheading II (tribute to Vladmir Nabokov)

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Invitation to a beheading II (tribute to Vladmir Nabokov)
printmaking (etching and softground etching on two zinc plates), black velin arches paper 250 gr.
100 x 70 cm.

Shirin Salehi | Invitation to a beheading III (tribute to Vladmir Nabokov)

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Invitation to a beheading III (tribute to Vladmir Nabokov)
printmaking (etching and sugarlift aquatint on two zinc plates / double inverted printing, black velin arches paper 250 gr.
100 x 70 cm.

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Born in Tehran, Iran, 1982. Resides and works in Madrid, Spain since 1999.
2015 Prize ”Fundación Pilar Banús”, 22nd National Engraving Awards, Museum of contemporary spanish engraving
2013 Prize ”Premio Acqui Giovani” in the 11th International Biennial of printmaking Premio Acqui, Acqui Terme, Italy
2013 Shortlisted in the 12th International Engraving Biennial Josep de Ribera, Xàtiva, Valencia
2012 FIRST PRIZE in the first International competition of contemporary engraving FIGBILBAO
2012 FIRST PRIZE in the 19th International competition of engravings Villa de Cebreros, Spain
2012 THIRD PRIZE José Caballero national engraving competition of engraving, Spain
2012 THIRD PRIZE, 33rd Minicuadros award, Elda, Spain
2012 Selected in the 19th National Engraving Awards, Spanish Museum of Contemporary Engraving, Marbella, Spain
2012 Selected in the 21st competition of Young Creators of the city of Madrid
2011 FIRST PRIZE for Printmakings in the 28th painting and printmaking award of the Circle of Fine Arts, Madrid
2011 FIRST PRIZE in the 10th print award for the International Women’s day, Madrid City Council
2011 Selected in the 39th International print award Carmen Arozena, Spain
2010 FIRST PRIZE in the 9th print award for the International Women’s day, Madrid City Council
2014 Artistic residency grant, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid - three months -
2014 Pilar Juncosa and Sotheby´s training, experimentation and creation grant, JOAN MIRO FOUNDATION, Mallorca
2012 Grant for Artistic Residence at Fundação Bienal de Cerveira, Portugal
2012 Grant for Master of Graphic Arts, International Contemporary Print Center CIEC, Betanzos, Spain
2011 Alfara Gallery grant for Art Residency, La Encina de San Silvestre, Salamanca, Spain
2010 Production grant for a printmaking project from the the Arte10 school of Arts and design
2012 - 2009 SUPERIOR TECHINCIAN DIGREE IN PLATSTIC ARTS AND DESIGN, SPECIALITY: Printmaking techniques, Arte10 school of Arts and design, Madrid
Final project: ”Dancing with the jailer” (calcography, xilography, work on paper and an object book)
Practices in Obra Gráfica Original printmaking studio with Antonio Palomo
2006 - 2000 Bachelor of science in telecomunications engineering. University of Malaga
2014 Workshop ”Non-standard Mezzotint using zinc plates”, Pilar and Joan Miro Foundation, Mallorca, Spain
2013 – 2012 José Rincón´s Printmaking Atelier, Madrid
2013 - 2009 Printmaking Atelier at the Circle of Fine Arts of Madrid
2012 Calchography course, Master of Graphic Arts at the CIEC Foundation, Betanzos
2012 - 2008 Drawing and painting Atelier of Sonia Alonso, Madrid
2011 Practices in “Obra gráfica original” printamking studios
2008 - 2007 Professional Drawing School ESDIP, Madrid
2015 Artist book workshop with Los interventores, IVORY PRESS GALLERY, Madrid
2015 ”But...Is this art?” 7th course on contemporary art, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles
2015 ”Poetics of silence”, seminary with Menchu Gutierrez, Poetry foundation of José Hierro
2013 Workshop ”Libro de los libros”, National Spanish library, Madrid2011 Workshop printing and composing with paper, Museum of Spanish engraving, Marbella
2012 Who will write our story if we are condemned to silence...?, Brita Prinz gallery, Madrid
2014 22nd edition of international multiple art fair ESTAMPA, Stand Casa de Veláquez, Matadero, Madrid
2014 3rd edition of MASQUELIBROS International Artist Book Fair, with Casa de Velázquez and Sigilosamente group
2013 International Engraving Festival FIG BILBAO. Graphic collective 4/5. Bilbao, Spain
2015 Artist book exhibited for two months in IVORY PRESS GALLERY, artist book section
2015 National Engraving Awards exhibition, Spanish contemporary engraving museum
2014 Group exhibition ”Regards de Femmes”, Casa de Velázquez (Académie de France à Madrid)
2014 Doors Open day and group exhibition, Casa de Velázquez (Académie de France à Madrid)
2014 Print exhibtion, Cercle Artistic Sant Lluc, Barcelona, Spain
2013 12th International Engraving Biennial Josep de Ribera, Xàtiva, Valencia, Spain
2013 XL print exhibition, Elahe Gallery, Tehran, Iran2013 Prints from the Circle of Fine Arts’ Associates in the CIEC Foundation, Betanzos
2013 11th International engraving biennial Prize Acqui, Acqui Terme, Italy2013 Fundación José Vela Zanetti, Leon
2013 1st FigBilbao Engraving competition, Mercado del Ensanche, Bilbao
2013 Works on paper in the Royal Cercle Artístic, Barcelona2013 Exhibition of the winners of the 1st FigBilbao competition, FiArt foundation, Madrid
2013 José Rincón Gallery, Madrid
2012 40th Carmen Arozena print award, Palacio de Salazar, Santa Cruz de La Palma
2012 Prints from the Circle of Fine Arts’ Associates in the CIEC Foundation, Betanzos
2012 José Rincón Gallery, Madrid2012 33rd Minicuadros awards, Elda, Spain
2012 National Printmaking Awards, Marbella
2012 Hortaleza cultural center, Madrid
2011 39th Carmen Arozena print award, Palacio de Salazar, Santa Cruz de La Palma.
2011 ”Ruin threatens”, Arte10 School of Arts, Madrid.2011 Deus Machine Showroom, Madrid.
2011 18th Painting and Printmaking award of the Circle of Fine Arts, Madrid.
2011 Prints from the Circle of Fine Arts’ Associates in the CIEC Foundation, Betanzos
2013 - present Printmaking teacher and project coordinator, Hedera Printmaking Studio, Madrid
2013 - 2014 Printmaking teacher at the engraving workshop, Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors, Madrid
Works in Public and Private Collections
Fundação Bienal de Cerveira, Portugal
Spanish contemporary engraving museum
Museum of the engraving biennial, AcquiTerme, Italy
National Library of Spain
CIEC Foundation, Betanzos, Spain
Fundación Marazuela, Madrid, Spain
FIGBilbao Collection, Spain
aLfaRa StuDio, Salamanca, Spain
Circle of fine arts of Madrid, Spain
Madrid City council, Spain
Cebreros City council, Ávila, Spain
The works that accompany my artistic path in recent years stems from a deep emotional need for communication with others through narrative. These manifestations take shape not through reason, but instinct; an instinct fuelled no doubt by biographical reasons related to my past.It is within this context that the concern regarding the individual and his/her relationship with death is a continuous element in my work. I wish to understand death not as the natural phenomenon itself, but as the negation of the being within the individual’s existence. In my first projects the narrative of the individual’s denial has an essential voice. In later works the importance of creation in maintaining the existence of one-self and the denial of death is primordial. I see the art creation as not only a form of witness to ruins but also as a vehicle for new constructions, both understood as abstract conceptions. In my work, expression finds its best companion in the material. Although there is an immediate association with its physical condition it’s not understood to me as a means but as expression itself. I conceive the material as an autonomous object, with its own soul, breaking the barrier between tangible and intangible.The paper has a dominant voice in this accompaniment. Usually I work with paper inside it’s individuality, or in symbiosis with the intrinsic qualities of other materials such as wood and metal within the engraving techniques; a link that also allows me a continuous process of research and experimentation in the field of printmaking in order to create a poetic dialogue. In my work the art creation is fed by the existence itself and simultaneously the expression of the work acquires the status of necessary and vital. And this is where my artwork is born : it’s all about a strange , almost forgotten voice. Through a silent and contained language, emerges the tension of a smotherd voice, from the occult, profound and the unpronounceable.