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OPERA IN CONCORSO  Sezione Grafica

Sis | Bahamuth
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incisione all’aquaforte su zinco, paper,


nato/a a Cinquefrondi (RC)

residenza di lavoro/studio: London (UNITEDKINGDOM)

iscritto/a dal 16 apr 2015

Under 35


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Sis | Bahamuth box and the universe basis

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Bahamuth box and the universe basis
art book, object, paper, wood box containing the scroll print

Sis | Wouivres

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maniera allo zolfo e incisione alla puntasecca, carta somerset satin

Sis | La libellula ed io

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La libellula ed io
aquaforte ed aquatinta su rame, carta magnani avorio liscio

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Behemoth and Universe Basis
Hand made sycamore box (15x17x12cm) by Bertram Whitford.
Book body: it consist of a scrolling single print (12x80cm), etching Chine collee’ hand-printed
Edition of 6
Price: £400
Created in 2009, this book contains a story by Jorge Luis Borges “Book of imaginary beings”.
Borges quotes an ancient apocriphal Bible version about the ontological evidence that god exists. The print enclose both illustration and text of this fascinating story. Philosophical background is Mystical and states “Truth” to be unknown to merely rational beings.