Errore di sistema 14551
generative computer graphic, digital print, paper
70x100 cm
Vincent Moro
nato/a a Lucca, Italia
residenza di lavoro/studio: Lucca (ITALIA)
iscritto/a dal 18 apr 2015
Altre opere
Errore di sistema 17524
generative computer graphic, digital print., paper
70x100 cm
Errore di sistema 17555
generative computer graphic, digital print., paper
70x100 cm
Errore di sistema 18235
generative computer graphic, digital print., paper
70x100 cm
Descrizione Opera / Biografia
”Errori di sistema” in italian means system failures. I have been always fascineted by the happy accidents that sometimes occur during the creative process, when the media take control over the author’s initial intentions and twist the message, turnig his prospective upside down, ending up generating something totally unpredictable. This artwork took inspiration from the ”Chaos Theory” applied to graphic design. Everything in the composition is frozen in a fragile equilibrium made by the contrast of opposites. All the visual elements are kept together by an invisible force. They stand still, but there is a tangible tension, boiling underneath this very unstable state of calm; it is like everything could collapse at any time, crumbling down into nothing.
Vincent Moro - August 2008