Descrizione Opera / Biografia
As an artist, I question in my work the place of the body and the image in the repetition. I search the engagement in the imprint,
the relationship between the body and the metal that together produce a rhythm, a calligraphy.
This series includes a set of research around the issue of capturing and recording a gesture made by the body in the form of a repetition.A repetitive gesture reproduced in a time corresponding to the perimeter of the plate that I work. One centimeter of the perimeter is equivalent to one minute of work on the plate, with one stroke every two seconds.
I try in this work to question the body and the visible supports of the images. The difference between mechanized gesture and the organic aspect of engraving, repetition and exhaustion. This work lies between physical and graphic poetry and the violence of effort on matter.
Valentin Capony was born in Lyon in 1990. In 2008 he starts his studies at the E.S.A.D. in Saint-Etienne, France, where he graduated from DNAP in 2011. In 2012 he leaves for China in a Bilateral exchange to study at the Great Scool of Fine Arts in Nanjing. This exchange will enable him to learn about engraving and Chinese art. In 2013 he studies at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels in engraving district in the workshop of Thomas Amerlynck he obtains his Master 2. He is currently working at the Moonens Fondation Belgium.