Premio Combat Prize

Cristobal Vision - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | Shanghai 1

Shanghai 1
abstract photography, c-print

Cristobal Vision

nato/a a Germany
residenza di lavoro/studio: Cape Town, SOUTHAFRICA

iscritto/a dal 22 feb 2017

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 1443


Altre opere

 | Shanghai 3

Shanghai 3
abstract photography, c-print

 | Shanghai 4

Shanghai 4
abstract photography, c-print

 | Shanghai 5

Shanghai 5
abstract photography, c-print

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

These images depict the spectacular Pudong skyline in Shanghai as it transforms through the shifting twilight. It focuses not so much on architectural detail but draws attention to the ever-changing effect of light and how it shapes our experiences of a subject. This series is a depiction of the passage of time.
Artist Statement
My images deviate from traditional photography and the tendency to generate an exact reproduction of the physical world. In this body of work, I’ve simply used the camera as an optical instrument with which to create abstract expressions of what I feel is present.