Premio Combat Prize

Friedhard Meyer - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Farbzone Orange-Blau

Farbzone Orange-Blau
acrylic needle technique, canvas

Friedhard Meyer

nato/a a Nürnberg
residenza di lavoro/studio: Bad Neustadt, GERMANY

iscritto/a dal 31 dic 2016

visualizzazioni: 1381


Altre opere

 | Preußischblau

acrylic needle technique, canvas
100x 120

 | Horizontal 1

Horizontal 1
acrylic needle technique, canvas

 | Vertikal 11

Vertikal 11
acrylic needle technique, canvas

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

With this project I have set myself the task of reducing paintings to colours, and to let colours lead the way, ways of abstracting colours as much as possible, reducing them to the impact they may have, i.e. turning colours into art. This type of painting is rooted in the desire to create colours in their context and their interrelation with each other. My colour compositions are an expression of the intuition generated by colours rather than the result of mathematical-geometrical considerations, as proclaimed by Concrete Art. I have always been fascinated by and searched for the mystery of colours, and the sentiments they convey. It is my aim to detect the essentials of colours, and to capture them in my paintings. These paintings convey a message, which goes beyond the colourful and formal sensation of paintings. It is the experience of tranquility, simplicity, meditative contemplation that these colour spaces convey. I have developed a particular acrylic needle technique which I use for these paintings, whereby the surfaces are solely generated by applying a 10 cm wide flat brush in a vertical direction. The colours are virtually applied with thin needles, whereby various coats of colour may overlap. In doing so, there is a high concentration of colours in the smallest of spaces. Among others, the appeal of these paintings lies in their precision. This type of colour application is an important and unique characteristic of my paintings.
Curriculum Vitae
1940 Born in Nuremberg
1959 GCE A-levels
1960 – 1965 Studies at the Technical University in Munich
1967 Started painting as a self-taught artist
1971 – 1973 Training as a painter at the College of Further Education in Schweinfurt
since 1974 Study trips to France, Spain, Italy, the US, Israel, Tunisia, India, China
2002 Designed the citizens‘ medal of the city of Bad Neustadt
since 2005 Freelance artist
since 2006 Member of the European „Colectivo Cillero“ artist group
since 1966 Residing in Bad Neustadt / Saale

-- European „Colectivo Cillero“ artist group
-- Art society of Bad Neustadt
– Artist Association of Lower Franconia (VKU)

Public Acquisitions
-- City of Bad Neustadt
-- District of Rhön-Grabfeld
-- District Office of Berlin-Neukölln
-- Siemens AG, Bad Neustadt
-- Cultural circle of Siemens AG, Berlin
-- Bavarian Civil Service Insurances, Munich
-- Savings bank, Bad Neustadt

-- „Aquarellmalerei aus Nordbayern“, Stadtgeschichtliche Museen, Nuremberg
-- „Schöpfungslandschaften“, Eulen Verlag, Freiburg, 1986
-- „Faszination des Aquarells“, arte-factum-Verlag, Nuremberg, 1988
-- „Indirekte Malerei“, Palette Verlagsgesellschaft
mbH, Coblenz, 2005
-- „Metamorphose durch die Farbe Weiß“, Palette
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Coblenz, 2015


Media Coverage
2010 – Hungarian TV: „European
Panorama” exhibition, Opera Gallery, Budapest
2012 -- 28.Oct. Bavarian TV: “Weiß Blau in
Bad Neustadt“ with artist portrait of Friedhard

2007 --Thuillier Gallery, Paris, France
-- Art Fair Stockholm, Sweden
-- Art Innsbruck, Austria
-- ARTEXPO New York, USA
2008 -- Art Fair Shanghai, China
2009 – Galerie Bertrand Kass, Innsbruck, Austria
2010 – Artodrome Gallery, Berlin/Beijing
-- Opera Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
-- LDX-Gallery, Beijing, China
2007-2010 Group exhibitions with the European
„Colectivo Cillero“ artist group
in: Madrid, Baignes (France),
Albacete, Toledo, Hellin (Spain)
2011 -- Art Fair Taipei,Taiwan with Artodrome Gallery
-- LDX-Gallery, Beijing, China
-- „Die Farbe Weiß“, Mellrichstadt District Gallery
2012 -- Art Palm Beach, Florida
-- Art Fair Taipei, Taiwan
2013 -- Art Beijing, China with Artodrome Gallery
-- Florence Design Week exhibition, Florence, Italy
-- Biennale of Chianciano, Italy
2014 – Art Innsbruck, Austria
-- Gallery Steiner, Vienna, Austria
-- „Die Farbe Weiß“, Kunststation Kleinsassen
-- “Ancient Palaces”, Varenna, Italy
-- „Jenseits der Worte“, Art Society of
Bad Neustadt
2015 -- Art Innsbruck, Austria
-- Bank Schilling, Bad Neustadt
-- Art Space Gallery, New York
2016 – Galerie M. Beck, Homburg/Saar
-- Colorida Art Gallery, Lisbon
– ARTMUC, Munich
– Kunstgalerie KITZ-ART, Kitzbühel, Austria

Prizes and Awards
2005 – First Prize of the Palm Art Award, Art-Domain
Gallery, Leipzig
2006 – Honorary Diploma, SEETAL-Wettbewerb, Kunst-
Forum-International, Switzerland
2007 -- Médaille d´Or, International M.C.A.
exhibition, Cannes-Azur, France
2008 – Inclusion in WHO´S WHO in VISUAL ART
in 2008/2009, 2012/2013, 2014/2015
2010 -- Diploma of Excellence, Art Now, Artoteque,
2014 -- Honorable Mention, 8th Art Contest, Artavita
2015 – Certificate of Excellence,16th Art Contest, Artavita