Premio Combat Prize

gianluca maver - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | Neo-Natura

fotografia analogica, dibond e cornice

gianluca maver

nato/a a Seriate BG
residenza di lavoro/studio: Montevarchi AR, ITALIA

iscritto/a dal 10 mag 2017

visualizzazioni: 1268


Altre opere

 | Network tree

Network tree
fotografia analogica, stampa lamda, dibond e cornice

 | Web_2012

fotografia digitale, stampa inkjet fine art, dibond e cornice
82x65 cm

 | Nest (dettaglio)

Nest (dettaglio)
fotografia analogica, stampa lambda, dibond e cornice

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Neo-Natura, è un progetto che tende ad indagare di come la natura e l’uomo si stiano sempre piu sostituendo l’uno all’altro, creando cosi ”possibili” forme nuove. La precarietà e la fragilità di entrambi, mi inducono spessso a pensare alla nostra contemporaneità ed alla nostra trasformazione sia ambientale che culturale. All’interno del progetto si alternano sia immagini con dettagli di natura che nel tempo si sono sviluppate e trasformate seguendo forme artificiali, sia immagini di come la natura viene ri-elaborata, o meglio, manipolata e forzata dall’uomo, sostituendosi per d
GIANLUCA MAVER, Bergamo Italy 1972
In 1996 he decided to move to Florence to complete his training at the Fondazione Studio Marangoni photography school, where after graduating he has taught since 2000, and where, he conducted the professional photography workshop Print Service with connected Photo Gallery until 2007. Nowdays is a professor at the Institute Lorenzo de Medici in Florence since 2007 and head of the photography department since 2009.
After his studies and participation at some workshops with Martin Parr, Gilbert Fastenaekens, Nick Waplington, Anna Fox, Moreno Gentili, Franco Vaccari, Renate Aller, Mark Power, Gabriele Basilico, Natale Zoppis, Sabine Korth, Antonio Biasiucci, Jay Wolke, Zineb Sedira and Edward Rozzo, his work has been shortlisted and awarded prizes in various competitions, among which the following are particularly worthy of note: in the 2000 he was shortlisted for the “Photography project award”, organized by the Fondazione Studio Marangoni, and won the “Portfolio in Piazza 2000” run by Vittoria Ciolini Denis Curti and Filippo Maggia; in the 2004 he was shortlisted by the Museum of Contemporary Art at Fort Collins in Colorado; in the 2005 and 2007 he was shortlisted for the “San Fedele Visual Arts prize” in Milan; in the 2010 he was shotlisted for MIA Fair by Fabio Castelli.
Among the numerous solo and group exhibitions where he has exhibited his work since 1997 we would highlight the following: in the 2000, CGM Collection of Contemporary Photography 1997-2000, curators Walter Guadagnini and Filippo Maggia, at the Galleria Civica in Modena; Intimate Thought, curator Anna Fox, organized by The London College of Printing in London UK; in the 2001, group exhibition Focus on Italy at the Tisch School of Arts in New York; in the 2003 and You’ve red between the lines, curated by Renate Aller for the gallery DryPhoto in Prato; these were followed by exhibitions in Germany, Bulgaria and again in the United States; in the 2004 Ideologies at MoCA Museum of Contemporary Art, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA in the 2005, Valdarno on the road, curated by Anna Detheridge for the Cantieri la Ginestra in Valdarno Tuscany; Waiting for the dial tone, curated by Astrid Ihle, at Heimspiel Kunst Gallery Frankfurt am Main, Germanyin the 2006, Open Day, by Daria Filardo, at FSM Gallery in Florence; L’Arno un percorso visivo, curated by Anna Maria Amonaci, in Piazza della Passera in Florence; They looked on while it happened in Aarhus in Denmark; in the 2007 FotoGrafia international photography festival in Rome curated by Marco Delogu; in the 2008 Visages en Prose at the gallery Maurizio Nobile Loft in Bologna, curated by Anna Maria Amonaci; in the 2011, MIA Milan Image Art Fair, curated by Fabio Castelli in Milan; Giardini d’Arte curated by Francesco Gavilli at Villa Barberino in Meleto Italy; RB Contemporary, “Natural Forms”, curated by Riccardo & Marco Redaelli and Alessandra Barlassina, Milan Italy; in the 2012, The Others Fair, stand A7 Galleria RBcontemporary, curated by RBcontemporary, Torino, Italy; Casa Masaccio arte contemporanea, “L’arte della fuga”, curated by Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni, Italy; Wallace Art House Scotland “Web_2010 and Web_2012″, curated by Wallace Shaw, Edinburgh, Scotland; MIA Milan Image Fair, Galleria RBcontemporary , Milan Italy; PC Capalbio Fotografia, curated by Marco Delogu, Capalbio Italy; in the 2013; Legenda Aurea, curated by Intonazione in Rio nell’Elba Italy; Acqua arte contemporanea curated by Carles Marco Montevarchi Italy; NYBA Ney Work Biennal Art a cura di Pietro Franesi, New York; in the 2014, Walking Into, Pinetum 01 Farparte, curated by Lara Caccia, Moncioni Italy, Arte Fiera Bologna, Galleria RBcontemporary, Bologna Italy; in the 2015 Pae/saggio curated by Carles Marco; L’arte della fuga at Casa Masaccio Arte Contemporanea curated by Fausto Forte and Serena Trinchero in San Giovanni Valdarno Italy; in the 2016 In-Memory curated by Carles Marco in Valdarno Italy.