Premio Combat Prize

Harm Weistra - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | Habituation, City View

Habituation, City View
compilation and assemblage,
75 x 150

Harm Weistra

nato/a a Leeuwarden
residenza di lavoro/studio: Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS

iscritto/a dal 06 mar 2017

visualizzazioni: 1039


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

The work ’Habituation, City View’ symbolizes the tipping point where images of conflict and war no longer leave traces in our mind. Although observed, the images aren’t consciously perceived anymore. The artist got intrigued, noticing his growing indifference, although initially overwhelmed by the cruelties in the Middle East, finding out that his disinterest is due to a fundamental learning process of biological systems. A mechanism of ignoring stimuli that emerge too often. This process called habituation allows to filter out large amounts of sensory information, so the focus can be on what really demands attention.
The work ’Habituation, City View’ illustrates how every newly added image is blacking out details of the previous ones, symbolizing a growing attitude of indifference.