Premio Combat Prize

Herman Van Synghel - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Grafica

 | La plage

La plage
etching, dry needle on plastic cover, 4 colours, paper
70x50 cm

Herman Van Synghel

nato/a a Gent, Belgium
residenza di lavoro/studio: Ostend, BELGIUM

iscritto/a dal 13 mar 2017

visualizzazioni: 1010


Altre opere

 | Plage, detail

Plage, detail
etching, dry needle on plastic cover, 4 colours, paper
70x50 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

The artwork consists of almost hundred miniature outline/silhouette drawings of people and their interactions on the beach. They were carved into a plastic cover with a drypoint needle and printed in 4 colours, so that from a distance it looks like a wave in the sea.