Descrizione Opera / Biografia
In 2004 she started as a landscape architect and began her career within this field but she soon found out that the artistic relations of landscape architecture would not satisfy her needs. Between 2004 and 2007 she attended Budai Artschool where her master was the painter Marcel Kelemen. She also completed a marketing design course during this period and later between 2005 and 2007 she finished a Colour Dynamics and Engineer training at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. This last one is exceptionally important in her life because her master-teacher: Tamás Konok had been her mentor and helper on her professional way.
The Colour Dynamics course concentrated firstly on the theory of colours and the colour design but secondly it gave a wider knowledge to Judit Horváth Lóczi she recognized the total art (Gesammtkunstwerk), and how the fine art and applied art cooperate.
From 2010 to 2011 she studied art management, exhibition organizing and other trades of being a curator at Werk Academy. From 2011 to 2014 she attended and successfully completed a Visual Representation Artist (Graphic Artist) course at Budapest Metropolitan University.
Since then she became an associated member of the Society of Hungarian Painters, Hungarian Artist’s Book Association and the Association of Hungarian Artists.
Several artists have had influence on her professional career, e.g.: Tamas Konok, Janos Megyik, Imi Knoebel, Istvan Haasz or Louise Nevelson.
She actively applies for local and foreign prizes, awards and competitions (through this she exhibited in Venice, Milano and in London as well). From 2008 she continuously takes part in group and solo exhibitions and visits Art Camps. Her toolbar is diversified. She is familiar within the depths of abstract painting and also in assemblages (like art boxes and art books).
Her paintings were awarded by Barcsay Prize in 2015. This prize is given annually to Hungarian painters under the age of 35.
These are two pieces of a series, which are made to reinterpret the paintings of old great masters in geometric style.
So these are the abstract paraphrases of The Announcement of Botticelli, Fra Angelico, Bernardo Daddi and Domenico Veneziano.