Premio Combat Prize

Radu Tikanete - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | ,,In memory Salvador Dali ’’ - ( triptych )

,,In memory Salvador Dali ’’ - ( triptych )
oil, canvas
229 x 146 cm

Radu Tikanete

nato/a a Resita
residenza di lavoro/studio: Resita, ROMANIA

iscritto/a dal 24 mar 2017

visualizzazioni: 5094


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Radu Tikanete was born in Resita, Romania , 28 February 1954. After
being apprenticed to professor painter Petru Galis , Tikanete went to
Cluj-Napoca, in 1975, to the ,,Ion Andreescu” Institute for Fine Arts
, to learn from the renowned artist Ana Lupas .In the year 1991, his
first exhibitions in Romania ,were followed by a group exhibition in
Paris . In 2005 ,2006 ,2008 ,2010 , he travelled to Paris to visit the
Galleries and the Museums . After this trip his style became much
lighter, with broader brushstrokes and tonal colour schemes - he was
probably influenced by modern French painting seen at the Exhibitions
. At the end of 1996 , he also worked as a member of The Plastic
Artists Union- Timisoara , and painted fresh, richly coloured
compositions .As a member of the Plastic Artists Union – Cluj-Napoca ,
between 1984 – 1994 , he began to make ceramics compositions ; in
2007, one of them, ,, The Council of the Elders “, was presented at the
VIII Biennial International Artistic Ceramics Exhibitions, Aveiro,
(Portugal ); followed by International Exhibitions in Beijing
,2008,(China), - Leipzig, 2009, 2011, 2012, (Germany),- Le Touquet,
2011, 2012, ( France ) , -London, 2014, (England), Amsterdam,2015,
(Netherlands),with painting works . Group exhibitions in Budapest ,
Szombathely and Pecs , (Hungary) , and Zrenjanin ,(Serbia), and Paris ,
(France), 2012, 2013 . Radu Tikanete was a lecturer at ,,Ion
Andreescu” Fine Arts Academy in Cluj-Napoca, Romania , between
1991-1993 , and a teacher at the Fine Arts High School in Resita ,
since 1994 . In 2012 and 2016 , he was awarded the ,,Certificate of
Excellence ‘’ at the ,,Palm Art Award Competition ‘’ , in Leipzig,
Germany, for painting .
When I look at Radu Tikanete ‘s figuratives series, whose
conceptual and formal becoming covers decades , I see how the
representation of the human body developed from examples
informed by suggestions taken from ancient European structures ,
to the deeply abstracted ones generated by the new vital
approach . The ensuing fragmentation may be interpreted as the
mature expression of the dynamic relation between ,,open “ and
,,closed “ form in modern art . This is a highly individual
,,phrasing “ of space as a receptacle for all that is humane ,
the work of art included . We can go beyond this
interpretation , facing an acceptance at the post –modern concept
of ,,body in pieces “ in the sense of deconstructivist
artistic reflections .