Premio Combat Prize

Sam Jones - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Scultura/Installazione

 | Ascension

glass, chain installation, chain, steel wire, hook
3 metres high x 1 meter diameter

Sam Jones

nato/a a United States
residenza di lavoro/studio: Blue Hill, UNITEDSTATES

iscritto/a dal 15 apr 2017

visualizzazioni: 631


Altre opere

 | Of Frenzied Mouth

Of Frenzied Mouth
bronze/chain installation, nickel plated chain, hooks
variable, 3 metres high x 2.5 metres wide x 6 centemetres deep as shown

 | Entanglement

acrylic/vinyl installation, vinyl sheeting
variable, 8 metres x 8 metres x 8 metres as shown

 | Thin Spaces

Thin Spaces
glass installation, plexiglass
2 metres wide x 2 metres deep x 1.5 metre high

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

In a multiverse where everything can potentially exist simultaneously, the individual becomes responsible for all perspective. As one perceives, moments collapse from potentiality into experience- a constancy of violent events, which is the source of our collective anxiety. No longer is the problem about a lack of agency, but being thrust into the center of it...
Sam Jones received her MFA from Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, USA. She has attended several residencies, including the Vermont Studio Center. She is fascinated by the dialogue between the urban and wild, pairing industrial and synthetic materials with a baroque temperament in an attempt to render visible the mutating architecture of interior experience. Drawing in space, she employs transparency, mark and projected shadow to produce work that can only live between dimensions, inextricable from either the two dimensional image or the three dimensional form. She currently lives on the coast of Maine, and continues to exhibit her work throughout New England, Philadelphia, and New York.