Premio Combat Prize

Sarleena Kinanen - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Grafica

 | Pantyhose Portrait

Pantyhose Portrait
pencil, paper
29cm x 21cm

Sarleena Kinanen

nato/a a Helsinki, Finland
residenza di lavoro/studio: Bangkok, THAILAND

iscritto/a dal 10 mag 2017

Under 35

visualizzazioni: 971


Altre opere

 | Thoughts Through the Girlhood

Thoughts Through the Girlhood
pencil, paper
29,7cm x 21cm

 | Thoughts Through the Girlhood 2

Thoughts Through the Girlhood 2
pencil, paper
29,7cm x 21cm

 | Thoughts Through the Girlhood 3

Thoughts Through the Girlhood 3
pencil, paper
29,7cm x 21cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Sarleena Kinanen is a professional graphic designer and visual artist from the University of Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand. In her work she explores liminal time between girl- and womanhood.