My piece “Wind” represents a whimsical experience with nature. The bright red and silver paint creates a sensory juxtaposition between the piece itself and its natural environment. (March 2017)
Biographic Information -
RESUME ( two pages)
Setsuko Ono
Personal Data
Japanese citizen, resident in Washington, D.C. Website:
Les Ateliers des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris, 2007 - 2009.
Continuing Education, Corcoran School of Art and Design, Washington, D.C., 1984 - 2002.
Ph.D., Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva, 1966 – 1972.
M.A., Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva, 1964-1966.
B.A., University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo, 1959-1963.
Sculpture and Painting Exhibits and Permanent Installations
May 22-June 20, 2014. “From Japan to the West: the Art of Setsuko Ono.”, Japan Information and Cultural Center, Washington D.C.
October 2012. Dreams, permanently installed in the garden of Hara Arc Museum of Contemporary Art, Gunma, Japan.
February 2011. Ocean, permanently installed in a public square, Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan.
March - April 2009. “For Our Beautiful Earth: Resistance to Overwhelming Force and Dreams of Peace,” Individual Painting Exhibit, Tenth Havana Biennale.
November 2005 – October 2006.“Music,” Individual Exhibit of six public sculptures in McKeldin Square, Inner Harbor, Baltimore. Subsequently, the six sculptures were permanently installed in downtown Baltimore.
November 2003. “Dreams,” Individual Sculpture Exhibit of six public sculptures, Eighth Havana Biennale. Subsequently the six sculptures were permanently installed in Havana.
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Resume cont’d
Professional Experience
1995 – 2010. Lecturer, Development Issues, Summer Sessions, Sophia University, Tokyo.
2001- 2003. Senior Adviser, Vice President’s Office, Operations and Country Services Department, World Bank.
2001. Senior Adviser on secondment from World Bank, Department of Integration, Inter-American Development Bank.
1991-2001. Deputy Manager on secondment from World Bank, Financial Support Services Sub-department, Inter-American Development Bank.
1976-1991. Loan Officer, Senior Country Officer, Operations Department, Africa and Latin America Regions, World Bank.
A Woman Flying Alone in the World: Twenty-Eight Years of Experience at the World Bank. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2005.
“In Search of Development:Jamaica,” Mainichi Weekly (Tokyo), November 3, 1990.
”In Search of Development: Mauritania,” Mainichi Weekly, August 25, 1990.
“Fragile Blossom, Fragile Superpower – A New Interpretation?” Japan
Quarterly, January-March, vol. XXIII, 1976.
The Western Image of Japan. Geneva, Switzerland: Imprimerie du Courrier,
Languages: Japanese (native), English, French, Spanish.
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