Premio Combat Prize

Sofie Vesterøy - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Scultura/Installazione

 | ”Reflections”

acrylic and marker on mdf plate, punching bag and my 1st painting shoes,
120x120 cm

Sofie Vesterøy

nato/a a Bergen/Norway
residenza di lavoro/studio: Oslo, NORWAY

iscritto/a dal 05 mag 2017

visualizzazioni: 792


Altre opere

 | "It's a monkey"

"It's a monkey"
acrylic and marker on canvas,
140x160 cm

 | "Runner up"

"Runner up"
acrylic, spray paint and marker on canvas,
120x80 cm

 | "Working girl"

"Working girl"
acrylic, spay paint and marker on canvas,
80x120 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

We can never escape from ourself. This existential fact that we are all born and will die, can sometimes be unbearable to live with. In my latest work, the installation ”Reflections”, I have tried to show a more quiet side of myself as an artist. I have been experimenting with objects to challenge myself as a painter, and I have tried to tell a story about the longing for balance by going through emotional and mental stages; through self confrontations. Something new will grow up from within. Pain and unbalance is my main capital. I try never to compromise.