Premio Combat Prize

Tara SHAKTI - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Esto Quod Es

Esto Quod Es
acrilic, canvas


nato/a a Madagascar
residenza di lavoro/studio: Firenze, ITALIA

iscritto/a dal 14 apr 2017

visualizzazioni: 960


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Esto Quod Es is an acrylic on canvas, its statement is about loosing our own identity with media stereotype, and its time to find the true-self be. As Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself; everyone else is taken.”
Biography: Born into a family of artists, Tara Shakti a painter from Madagascar, describes her gift of painting as something so inherent that it feels second nature to her, almost like a friend expressing joys and sorrows, asking questions about life and death, love and loss, pain and pleasure, as well as other metaphysical mysteries that have inflamed her interest in the afterlife and other dimensions. As an artist, Shakti feels she must explore these themes that are universal and timeless in our quest to understand the meaning of life and the definition of death in its finality and fulfillment.
Tara Shakti has developed a concept of style in art that peers into the realm of dimensional visions where light and shadow engages the rage to exist in pain or in pleasure, in dreams or in memory. She crosses over into artwork for the soul and psyche of serious thinkers and presents a profound glimpse into the vivid imagination of a visionary artist possessing that rare gift for pushing the boundaries of conceptual and impressionistic art. American Journalist William L. Wright wrote, “Her metaphysical art offers art enthusiasts a peek into the world of existentialism and address universal themes that still haunts humanity — where are the dead, are we alone in the universe, why do we suffer, can we rise from the burning ashes, when will equal rights for women exist worldwide?”
Shakti’s art raises these questions and many others while featuring spectacular images, some being seen as if through the lens of a tearful, weeping, watery gaze — as if the viewer is crying while seeing hazy, mesmerizing scenes forced upon them. It is these powerful revelations — expressed so eloquently in her art — that makes Shakti an artist for the ages. Her ability to translate her subconscious into emotional art has produced a soul-searching collection of artwork from the beyond.
February 2017: Exhibition beauty and elegance Flyerart Gallery ROME
03-05 november 2016: Exhibition Origin Africa MADAGASCAR
31 octobre 2016: Participation concours d’art contemporain PARITANA MADAGASCAR
18-31 october 2016: Exhibition ”Beyond Appearance” Canela Antsahavola MADAGASCAR
Future exposition:
01-30 juin 2017: World wide art show au Caellum Galery, Chelsea NYC
Prime Magazine Madagascar mars 2017
Magazine No Comment MADAGASCAR: Mars 2017
Journal L’Express de MADAGASCAR: 21 octobre 2016
Journal Midi MADAGASCAR: 20 octobre 2016
Journal Les Nouvelles MADAGASCAR: 18 octobre 2016
A.P.O.I Agence de presse de l’Océan Indien: 17 octobre 2016
Journal Cleveland banner USA: 07 septembre 2016
Journal Les Nouvelles MADAGASCAR: 05 aout 2016
Journal Les Nouvelles MADAGASCAR: 06 aout 2016
Magazine MAGAZOOM: février 2015