Premio Combat Prize

Vilmantas Marcinkevičius - Premio Combat Prize

OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Abraham sacrificing Isaac

Abraham sacrificing Isaac
acrylic, canvas

Vilmantas Marcinkevičius

nato/a a Kaunas
residenza di lavoro/studio: Vilnius, LITHUANIA

iscritto/a dal 27 dic 2016

visualizzazioni: 1280


Altre opere

 | Indra with strange head decoration,

Indra with strange head decoration,
acrylic, canvas

 | Knights of the Unhealing Wound Club

Knights of the Unhealing Wound Club
acrylic, canvas

 | Gulping the stig

Gulping the stig
acrylic and oil, canvas

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Vilmantas Marcinkevicius (b. 1969) – one of the most popular and successful contemporary Lithuanian painters. His provocative, sensual paintings are distinguished by bold colour strokes and unique stylistics, and have been acclaimed not only by gallery visitors in all Europe, but also by the members of the Danish royal family whose official portraits Marcinkevicius has been painting since 2004.
The severe and sometimes contrasting colors in Vilmantas paintings come largely from the reflection of today’s world. He uses awkward and non-traditional color harmony – colors that dare to speak boldly and clearly. The themes of the paintings also reflect the environment. Some of them are personal and everyday experiences, others are a response to today’s world and its issues – politics, history, sexuality and art.