Artwork description / Biography
From the series ”off grid” 2020 (ongoing). These photographic works depict parts made from ”object trouves” which are deconstructed and reassembled. Sometimes interlaced with other objects (shells, figurines, mirrors etc.), or overpainted with pigment or drawn on to further the distance to their original function and allow a new “second life” as a photographic sculpture to emerge.
Henrik Strömberg (b. 1970) | based in Berlin (Germany) | graduated from Camberwell College of Art in London (United Kingdom) and Academy of Performing Arts FAMU in Prague (the Czech Republic) | works with the idea of metamorphosis, decay and the transformation of materials, sculptural objects and their photographic documentation, as well as the deconstruction and transformation of the photographic image itself | his works have been presented at solo and group exhibitions in Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Poland, France, the Czech Republic and the U.S.A., and acquired from numerous collections in Europe and the U.S.A., including: Fondazione Morra, Naples, Italy, Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, Munich Germany - Ann Wolff Foundation, Sweden - Christine Symchych Collection, USA, - Kultur Hässleholm, Sweden - Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus, Schloss Plüschow, Germany - La Luxembourgeoise SA, Luxemburg.