Artwork description / Biography
Dictatorship of the lines
Each painting starts with one brush stroke and every brush stroke is a line, that I call the “dictatorship of the line”
Even a point is a shortened line or the beginning of a line.
Whether we like it or not, through socialization, beginning at birth, many life paths are already defined. We are determined and guided by rules, regulations, orders, laws and educational systems. These are linear processes each individual has to deal with and they are inevitable and unavoidable
But still, certain unavoidable ways of life can be interrupted, we leave the given path and follow another road less travelled.. The result is a new linear process. It is impossible to escape from a linear process.
Nor is it possible to live without consumerism, we will always be consumers. ( linear consumer worlds ) Each individual’s habitus uses, consciously or unconsciously, certain rituals repeatedly. ( Pierre Bourdieu )
Because linear processes determine our life, it is my ambition to process this linearity in my art, which I call Linearism, using different modes of representation, ( absolute Linearism , extreme Linearism )
I doesn`t leave the straightness any chance with my style “Fencing Picture - absolute linearism”: I pulls at lines top of a rapier with a fastered brush over a canvas and create my own physical automatism by the movabillity of the blade with that.
Drawn by circling lines over the drawing paper I pulls this one out to myself my style “extreme linearism”. It starts with revolving movements of the pin, motive condenses therefore to shape and I extends these movements and this way the motive drawn.The picture gets making dynamics by the one. This technique is the most extreme form of my style “linearism”
I sets cape stallion my “consumptiv surrealism” against the linear overstimulation with consumer items. The pop manner I creates surreal picture worlds and sculptures ( made of cigarette boxes )with my consumer items and assigns a new artistic task to them unlike.The production of consumer goods and consumption runs through all our lives and all generations, this is a linear process
I call my self: LINEARIST
Copyright: Michael Kaphengst