ARTWORK IN CONTEST | Section Painting

 | Dispute

oil on canvas,


born in Siklós, Hungary
work/study place: Pécs, HUNGARY

in contest since Feb 17, 2020

page views: 428


Artwork description / Biography

Dispute, oil on canvas, 70x100 cm, 2019
My Story
Self-made artist. Born in 1959. 06. 13. Siklós, Hungary. Married with 3 children. Studied and graduated as a lawyer in 1983. Private entrepreneur since 1992, running a family-owned business producing wooden playground equipments. Languages spoken: Hungarian (native), English, German Hobbies: sport, fishing, cooking Member of the Association of the Hungarian Artists since 1985. Ignoring actual trends, his pictures are inspired by nature and social phenomena. His paintings are made in different size and mixed techniques.
Artistic approach
My name is Szilágyi Szilárd. I am a self-made artist. Since my name was misprinted on a poster in Germany I have used Silaro as an artist-name. I was born in Siklós on June 13, 1959. My parents are both teachers. My mother later trained to be a psychologist. I attended schools in Pécs, Hungary where I also spent my university years. I was awarded a degree in law in 1983. It was during my university years that I began to take a serious interest in art. My first attempt were supported by Ferenc Lantos and Tihamér Gyarmathy. In my earlier period I produced works that was thematic in character. Later my works are the images of the inner memory. They create themselves through me. I had several exhibitions in Pécs, and Budapest, Hungary. I also had the chance to show my paintings in McCann - Ericson Gallery and in Gallery Arietta, Frankfurt-am Main, Germany, in Ader Tajan Auction House, Paris, France and in Malmö, Sweeden.
Solo exhibitions:
1984 Pécs, Hungary
1985 Kecskemét, Hungary
1987 Frankfurt am Main (Wasserweg Gallery), Germany
1988 Budapest (FMK Gallery), Hungary
1989 Pécs, Hungary
1989 Békéscsaba, Hungary
1990 Frankfurt am Main (McCann Erikson Gallery, Galery Arietta), Germany
1991 Pécs, Hungary (together with Antal Dechandt Antal sculptor)
1992 Budapest (Gallery by Night), Hungary
1996, 2001, 2004, 2009 Pécs, Hungary
2011 Budapest (Melange Gallery), Hungary
2016 Pécs, Hungary
2016 Budapest (Union Gallery), Hungary
2019 Nádor Gallery Pécs, Hungary