Artwork description / Biography
Don Giovanni
W.A. Mozart
Initial drawings and paintings with 6 years. Education with 11 years of Prof. E. Kamphausen in drawing, painting and anatomy. Breakfast was the love of nature, detail and portrait painting.
The first single exhibition in Dusseldorf with 16 years . At the Art Academy in Dusseldorf studies with a focus painting, sculpture and art history.
Stay and study in Paris Académie des Beaux-Arts as a student of Ossip Zadkine.
The creations of Bolgherese includes painting, sculpture photography and literature. As a painter Bolgherese has developed its own technology, he works only on smooth wood and paints mainly with the fingers - the academic painting changed into a watercoulour style transparency as oil painting without white or black colour.
White and black kills any other colour - so his Experience and Opinion.
Very often used di Bolgherese real gold in his works.
Nature, the Human beeing, light, colour and shape and the details are the basics for his work. Bolgherese is a portrait painter, his paintings themes and series are symbolistic - philosophically near surrealism -with the people and nature apart.
Bolgherese lived several years in Tuscany, Jersey Channel Islands and Mallorca, was held here - and finds it - the ideal conditions for his work.
Influenced by classical music and poetry emerge symbolistic, philosophical, sometimes sureal-looking paintings.