OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Untitled

oil on cardboard, cardboard


nato/a a Belmonte Piceno
residenza di lavoro/studio: Belmonte Piceno,Italy, ITALIA

iscritto/a dal 09 mar 2021


visualizzazioni: 506


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Patrizio Sanguigni was born in the Marches (Italy) and took a diploma as professional teacher of art at the State Institute of Art and then he got a degree at the Academy
of fine Arts in Macerata.At the moment he is a teacher of History of art and Drawing
at a secondary high school. Besides his knowledge of the past art, he is an authority
on contemporary art especially of the 20th century. In particular his studies and his attentions are addressed to the signs and the communicative structures of contemporary art with all its consequent social and historical implications.This knowledge is also due to the fact that he has been working in the artistic field since
1981 with a series of exhnibitios.

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