OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Scultura/Installazione

 | Study after Tutankhamun’s dagger

Study after Tutankhamun’s dagger
brass and wood,
324 x 40 x 35mm

Aaron Bezzina

nato/a a Malta
residenza di lavoro/studio: Zurrieq, MALTA

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021

Under 35


visualizzazioni: 643


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

The work entitled Study after Tutankhamun’s dagger is belongs to a series that revolves around objects that tend to appear as weapons. In this body of work, the alleged weapon is rendered ‘useless’, in the sense that its function could not be fulfilled (efficiently). By inserting ‘spikes’ where one ought to grab the weapon, the ‘aggressor’ would have to hurt him/herself in order to hold the handle.
These objects, therefore, become something else, rather than just weapons with sharp protruding features but aesthetic and conceptual objects that cannot be handled and should be contemplated upon.
Study after Tutankhamun’s dagger serves as an incorrect ‘replica’ (scale 1:1) of one of Tutankhamun’s daggers, found in the Valley of the Kings, next to his sarcophagus. This historical object is so ornate, delicate and precious that it does not seem as a weapon, when in actual fact it is. My study attempts to remove the possibility of such an object to be used for inflicting harm on others.
You can view the latest series (prior to Study after Tutankhamun’s dagger), here: