Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Her work on canvas is a game of continuous transformations, like that of the child, which discovers and understands the world around it through role-playing. For A. Prapa, playing with the canvas is the medium for redefining the “self” from its base and its reconstitution from its roots. Her playful disposition towards the past and her experiences is confirmed by the semiotic presentation of playing as a symbol in the composition of her paintings, revealing her desire to deconsecrate those dominating her childhood.
Facing not only herself, but all the heroes of her works as players of a game, she transforms them into kid-adults, into children who maintain adult features. Through this transformation, her heroes gain the right to play, to receive care and protection, while being forced to give up their power and deny their role. The relationships between kid-adults and their companions are overturned and new power relationships of care, restriction and manipulation are described in the compositions she creates.
Angelika Prapa was born in Graz, Austria, and was raised in Thessaloniki, Greece. After her studies in Comparative Literature and Psychology, she followed a professional career in writing and editing didactic and psychological-medical Books. Her lifelong interest in painting led her to the department of Fine and Applied Arts of Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki in Greece, where she graduated withe excellence . She participated in many Exhibitions and her works are in Museums and private Collections.