Descrizione Opera / Biografia
A recent project of Azra Hamzagic Geometry of the soul - Lost paradise, expose elements of imaginary site with geometry. This cycle depicts more a play of geometry pattern and narratives than the play of materials. It shows gesture of hiding the core of the story in the narrative. She doesn’t represent here, but raises questions about how to transfer one reality to another, the hidden order of one space into the hidden order of another. The ornamental pattern or arabesque creates a specific space where in a rather efficient way they represent a boundless spread, outside the space. This play is like a contemplative focus and allows us a vision of an unseen order, both of the universe and of the world of nature.
Azra Hamzagić was born in Novi Pazar, Republic of Serbia in 1985. She studied art at the Academy of Art in Sarajevo and in 2008 became a Professor of Art Education. 2013 she got her MHd diploma in painting. Currently a PhD candidate at Faculty of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. She is working like professor of drawing at the International University in Novi Pazar.