OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | A Life

A Life
acrylic and pastels on canvas,
160cm x 100cm

Cigdem Nott

nato/a a Bassum, Germany
residenza di lavoro/studio: Barcelona, SPAIN

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021

Under 35


visualizzazioni: 282


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

The composition of my painting is a symbolic representation of the auras of our unlived lives; a curse or blessing of our capitalist generation haunted by infinite possibilities and the wander over what might have been. The protagonists of the narrative stand back to back to each other, connected through a braid; representing the allegedly negative space of the real life and the imagined life which we never lived.
Wandering in the hall of mirrors of our imagined selves, we realise that our imagined selves are part of us, they are real; to know what someone might have been, what she or he dreamed of being - this is to know someone intimately. When we first meet, we know them as they are, but with time, we perceive the auras of possibilities that surrounds them and eventually they become part of our portrait.