Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Dorota Kuźniarska is a visual artist living and working in Poznan, Poland. Born in Hrubieszów, a polish city on the border with Ukraine. In 2014 graduated from the University of the Arts in Poznan with Master’s degree. She also studied at Marmara University in Instanbul, Turkey, where she learned ebru painting techniques into prof. Seheh Asici’s studio. Lecturer in Media History at University of the Arts in Poznan and Eksperimental Fashion Teacher at Fashion School in Poznan. Member of The Art Collective ”Action Group”.
Her surrealistic style is concerned with capturing everyday situations and contemporary life themes which she’s transforming into the futurictic pictures. She works mostly in painting, drawing, 3D, fashion and costume. She has presented her works at over 20 art and design exhibitions and many fashion shows. She has made costumes for 16 film and theater projects.
”What’s very important for my work is an element of intellectual game with the spectator, a space that provokes to not merely perceive but to experience the work.”
upcoming 2021 The 10th International Biennial Exhibition of Mini Textile Art “Scythia”, Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine
upcoming 2021 The 2nd International Biennial Exhibition of Micro Textile Art “Scythia”, Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine
2020 Światłoczułość, Pinata Foundation, ZPAP Gallery, Toruń, Poland
2020 solo / Household Djinnies, Pokój Gallery, Gdańsk, Poland
2019 11. Triennal of Mini Paintings, Wozownia Art Gallery, Toruń, Poland
2019 Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, Prague, Czech Republic
2019 Painting Competition Eibisch Prize 2019, Warsaw, Poland
2017 NBS 9 /No Budget Show ed. 9, Ubytek /Upadek /Utrata, Owińska, Poznan Art Week, Poland
2017 The Form of Clothes, Animation Theatre, Poznan, Poland
2016 Own Contribution, Au/a Gallery, University of Arts, Poznan, Poland
2016 YES Scholarship Programme, Poznan Design Days, Poland
2015 solo / Ebru - Compositions I-VII, JOK, Janów Lubelski, Poland
2015 Dekada, Au/a Gallery, University of Arts, Poznan, Poland
2014 solo / intermedial concert The Last Tale of 1001 Arabian Nights, CKK, Katowice, Poland
2014 Greetings from Kato!, Gallery of Contemporary Art MD_S, Wrocław, Poland
2013 solo / Winter Journey, 4th edition AK30, Poznan, Poland
2010 International Art Project Figurama, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia
instagram: @dorotakuzniarska_art