OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | Making a Care Album I

Making a Care Album I

Federica Coseschi

nato/a a Livorno
residenza di lavoro/studio: Den Haag, NETHERLANDS

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021

Under 35


visualizzazioni: 525


Altre opere

 | Making a Care Album II

Making a Care Album II

 | Making a Care Album III

Making a Care Album III

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

How does care through photographic practice produce subject position and social relations?
In this work care is understood as an action that implies some kind of engagement.
Care is not a complete action, but is ongoing, it can characterize a single activity or it can describe a process.
Applied to my work, this mean that care is at the base of the encounters I experience and the relational aspects of my photography and also is fundamental in my photographic practice as a whole.
I am interested in photographs and social constructs in which, rather than being just the subject, care is the very premise of the act of photographing.
Care is present in the process.
This photograph is part of a Care Album which I edit in a shared process with family, friends and stranger.
The work of Federica Coseschi (Livorno, 1991) revolves around themes such as womanhood, social construction of identity and of gender. Her research and work is moved by her background in sociology. She is based in The Netherlands and currently attending the MA Photography & Society program at The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.