OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | To hus i blått og gult landskap/Two houses in blue and yellow landscape

To hus i blått og gult landskap/Two houses in blue and yellow landscape

Hilsen Eva Laila

nato/a a Gjoevik
residenza di lavoro/studio: Fagernes, NORWAY

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021


visualizzazioni: 279


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Education:-2000-04,08-10-The Academy of Fine Arts in Bergen and Oslo, further studies
1987-88-National Academy of Fine Arts, print, Oslo
1984-85-National College of Applied Arts and Crafts, drawing, Oslo
1982-84-Hamar Art School, drawing, Hamar
1977-81-The Teacher Training college of Hamar and Notodden, artstudy/drawing 1980-81
1973-Bergenholz Decorator school of Art, Oslo
The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists - The Association of Norwegian Printmakers - The Drawing Art Association of Norway - The Association of Norwegian Painters - The visual artists of Oppland
I am educated in graphic, drawing and colors at different institutions/Academy, and work with painting, prints and drawing. In my paintings I always use tempera. My motives often have the house as the main subject, and for me the house is a metaphor of life. I use the colors also to express this metaphor, and in this painting I think about holidays in warmer countries, i.e.Italy. I have exhibited in Norway and abroad for many years, and had approximately 40 solo exhibitions, also in Italy, mainly with prints (this because I carried the works myself) I have had an artist-in-residence in Mestre, where I won a 2nd price for my prints, the prize was to work with sculpture in the workshop, and a following exhibition, ”transformation”, also in Ferrara with ”the wheel of life. I have received grants and prices for my works, and taken part in biennale and triennials on four continents, also important ones in Italy, such as 2017 Associazione Culturale Internazionale Atelier 3+10, Venice, ”transformation” - 2018 Artika-The 8th Edition, Casa dei Carraresi, Treviso (paintings)
2017 Associazione Culturale Internazionale Atelier 3+10, Venice, ”Memento Andy”
IV International Small Engraving Exhibition, Cremona, Italy
Premio Internationale Biella Per Lincisione, Biella, Italy
Working, travelling, artist-in-residence grants in Norway and abroad; 2017 Venice/Mestre, Italy 2016 Bedigliora, Switzerland - 1996/2007Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris – 2002 DAAD Berlin, Germany – 1998 New York and 1999 International Artist Workshop in Namibia. Project and exhibition grants in Norway from 1985-2018, i.e. grants from Norwegian Culture Department. Different grants from counties and communities.
Premio Combat 2019 Prize, recomended artist from the jury. 2018 M.A.D. gallery, Milan, Critics Award. 2017 atelier 3+10, Venice second prize for two prints - 2006 Biennale Internationale d’art miniature, Salle Augustin, Chemerinc, Canada - 50 artists were selected from 600 artists, and invited to participate in Musée de la Miniature de Montélimar, France - 2005 Gold medal Fine Arts International Exhibition, Gallery ”Olezh”, Kiev, Ukraine – 1997 Le 4e Triennale Mondiale, “d’Estampe Petit Format”, France - “Parchemin d’Honneur sa reconnaissance”.Trusts: Board- and jury member in different official visual art organisations in Norway since 1990-2015.
Related professional experiences:
2010-11-Visual art teacher in the Youth Culture School, Fagernes, Norway
Project in a Kindergarten contributed by the Norwegian Culture Department.
2009,12-Teaching printmaking at Leira College, Norway
2005-06-The Norwegian Skolesekken, ”School Bag” in primary school, contributed by the Norwegian Culture Department. 2005-Sensor in printmaking at the Academy of Fine Arts, Bergen
1991-98- Teaching printmaking and colour in Ålesund Art School, Norway
Artist book + portfolios:
2018-“the wheel of life” box and book
2018-“Memento mori” - box and dvd screen
2013-”-say it with flowers”, artist-book, digital prints and photos.
2011-”Our love conquers everything”, artist-book after 22 July terror in Norway
2005-”Blå”, portfolio, 4 lithos, 11 poems by Jon Fosse, 1 CD, music by Karl Seglem
2002-”Et Rom-Eit Hus”, portfolio, 7 lithos by ELH and 7 texts by Jon Fosse.
1999-”Mushroms”, woodcut/mixed media, bookprints ELH, and poem by Sylvia Plath
poems read by the singer Kristin Asbjørnsen/DVD.

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