OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Un reietto parla

Un reietto parla
olio su carta di lino
180 * 180 cm

Jingge Dong

nato/a a Pechino(Cina)
residenza di lavoro/studio: Venezia Mestre, ITALIA

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021

Under 35


visualizzazioni: 797


Altre opere

 | Four winds #1

Four winds #1
olio su tela,
50 * 40 cm

 | Four winds #2

Four winds #2
olio su tela,
40 * 30 cm

 | Four winds #3

Four winds #3
olio su tela,
40 * 30 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Jingge Dong, born at Beijing in 1989.


Graduated from the second level at the Academy of Fine Arts of Venezia

Degree of Master of Fine Arts, Graduated School of Chinese Academy of Art

Bachelor of Art, Shanghai Normal University

selected solo exhibitions​

Dive into the Zeigeist, duo solo exhibition of Alessio Barchitta and Jingge Dong, Amy-d gallery, in cooperation with L’Ariete Artecontemporanea, Milan , Italy

Jingge Dong | Senza Pietre non c’e’ Arco, curated by Roberto Nardi, Libreria Minerva, in cooperation with L’Ariete Artecontemporanea, Padua , Italy
Jingge Dong | The Goddess of the Luo River, curated by Daniele Capra, AZIMUT - PALAZZO TUBERTINI, in cooperation with L’Ariete Artecontemporanea, Bologna, Italy