OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Scultura/Installazione

 | Sint Sebastian

Sint Sebastian
morfine ampullen, polistiren / penoplast
150 x 80 x 70 cm

Julia Winter

nato/a a Moscow
residenza di lavoro/studio: Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021


visualizzazioni: 260


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

The installation is based on the general idea that medicine and pharmacy are entering our daily life. The morphine ampules that cover Sint Sebastian alienate the object from their emotional function. Morphine as a drug normally is used in extreme harmful situations like the suffering of physical or mental illness. But morphine can also help you to escape reality by getting you in a higher state of mind. The installation raises an enigma: who used this enormous amount of morphine, and what for was it used? Was the user ill or mirrors the installation neglected aspects of our actual modern society like alienation, loneliness, and addiction?
The cold glass of the morphine ampules gives a shiny, crystal-like light. The ampules can cover the hidden history. The chilly atmosphere, enforced by the absence of any human being, may epitomize not only grand themes like mortality, but the set creates a certain death-in-life situation. The questions this installation raises are certainly not meant to be a cynical or defeatist reaction to our daily situation. The installation can also refer to hope, recovery and enlightenment.