Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Poetica dell’Opera candidata a concorso:
”Egagropilo o Egagropila:
agglomerati sferici od ovali di colore marrone chiaro e di consistenza feltrosa
costituiti da residui fibrosi di alghe”
costruiti abilmente dalla tenacia del Mare.
Allo stesso modo in ceramica,
nulla è sprecato.
Nessuna esperienza
è perduta.
La natura si fa Opera.
Sabbia ed Elementi naturali trasformati in ceramica.
Short bio -Contemporary art in the last 5 years:
From 2015 to 2018, I Win and write Local call for Inclusion and Multidisciplinary Learning through the universal language of the arts: “Il piatto parla di Me”, “Storie in Ceramica”, “Questo sono io”, “Libro d’artista”,“Mostri da Giardino”, “Merende Toscane ad Arte con Pinocchio” asforma i resti“Call For Young Artist”, “Painting with Light”, ”il Colore delle Emozioni” .
I collaborate with the UNESCO_ transdisciplinary chair ( Prof. MariaMancaniello_UniFi) .
I found the ArtCollective #DamnTuscan- #ToscaniMaledetti and write a “Carta dei Toscani”
in order to promote, increase, the link between the technical skills and the artistic languages of various nature. The several exhibitions of the Collective are based on this spirit of mutual sharing and collaboration, conviviality and “NON” elitist mission of the art language.
Near to the #SlowArtMovementItalia i realize between 2016/ 2019—
several Installation in public space assigned: “dai diamanti non nasce nulla dal Letame nascono i fior” and “Murales Materico Materano” at-Museo Magazzini Sale Cervia /
12 Lune di Peccioli/Ghizzano (PI) 2018 / Palazzo Lanfranchi 2018 S. Marino,
2019 / PalazzoMorattini (Forlì ) 2019 /Logge del TeatroSignorelli 2019 (Cortona) Per Madre terra -Galleria Comunale Barga 2019 --
My personal research, since 2015, is close to many artistic movements that are attempting a reflection and anticipating strategies of conscious de-growth and opposition to the model typical consumerism of the ”Liquid Society” well described by Zigmund Baumann. Share experience personal/artistic and overcome the “EGO”.
From 2016 the big art installation: Ravenna’ Rocca’ Brancaleone, Cervia, Forlì. In 2017 Alik Cavaliere’s Space Milan, I realize, for Alessio Sarri Design, the idea 1o metres of blue chips clay for the Ettore Sottass’s Celebratives.
Solo show: ”Angel”-Who Am I? — B-Human research , with the allocation of the institutional space of 6X6 meters in Piazza Duomo in Cortona, in front of Museum of Beato Angelico from oct.2018/ Jan 2019, as an emerging artist of new contemporary language.
Always with B-Human 2.0 short listed into International
CeramicsInLove_Two (To)
-published 2019 and
Convivium Terre Fiabesche, 2019
Art residence
B_Human 4.0---Progetto in residenza d’Artista presso la Fondazione per le Arti Grafiche—IlBisonte--(FI)
jan 2020/march 2020
B_Human 8.0 ---Third Transdisciplinary World Congress ---Ciudad de México- Mexico 24/30 oct 2020
stopped by Covid
B-Human 8.0 ---progetto di residenza d’artista presso Innovati turismo 17 aug 2020/30 sept 2020 Bagno di Romagna Terme (FC)
International selection
Zarpamos Poetry of Guadalupe Angela---with 17 women artist in world-Oaxaca –Mexico--2018
Zarpamos Poetry- Berlin—Jan 2019
B-Human 2.0 Installation CeramicsInLove_Two (To) –2019
RAKFAF2020 International Festival of Fine Art ---Alquasimi Foundation Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research
Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Selected with ”Drinking Clay”-
and B.Human 4.0 exposition still now