OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Scultura/Installazione

 | Émotions journalières 1

Émotions journalières 1
textile art ,corsage techniques, cotton, nylon, resin,whitewash,gold foil,paraffine wax
100x100x70 mm 

Kaya Matsuda

nato/a a Germany
residenza di lavoro/studio: Lyon, FRANCE

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021

Under 35


visualizzazioni: 220


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

●Artwork description
Through my works, I materialize my daily emotions, the ones that can disappear instantly.
All these emotions, such as happiness, joy or sadness, arise and disappear and during this period of time,
our minds remember them and forget them over and over, changing their shapes each time.
It has happened to anyone to recall a memory by looking at a photo, listening to music or inhaling a perfume.
However, sometimes there are no vectors left to help us recall an important memory.
This is what happens all the time with insignificant memories, if nothing is done, they immediately disappear.
This work was designed as a vector allowing me to record an invaluable event before it is erased forever.
Candles are commonly used in various ceremonies around the world, wax is a sacred material.
It is a material that connects the invisible world and the real world.
Wax changes from solid to liquid to gas, but it retains a presence in our minds even when it disappears.
It allows me to preserve moments, emotions, through an act similar to a prayer.
Although I was born in Munich, Germany in 1986, I grew up in Ibaraki prefecture, Japan.
I currently live in Lyon, France.
I studied textiles at Tohoku University of Art & Design and graduated in 2009.