OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | Gas Chamber, Wyoming Frontier Prison, #2

Gas Chamber, Wyoming Frontier Prison, #2
archival pigment print from medium format film scan,
20h x 25w

Lee Saloutos

nato/a a
residenza di lavoro/studio: Reno, UNITEDSTATES

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021


visualizzazioni: 288


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

This series is part of an ongoing project documenting abandoned prisons in the US.
These places often have a long and frightening history, but when empty are full of eerie and beautiful light. The contrast between these two elements is fascinating and difficult. It is possible to feel deeply unsettled and serene at almost the same moment.
The design and function of these interior spaces can be jarring, utilitarian, even brutal, yet the light in the space open and subtle and inviting. Perhaps by seeing these locations when they are empty and abandoned, and becoming aware of their inherent contrasts, we can be reminded that they once housed some of all of us.