OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | Line N°18

Line N°18
oil, on canvas
100x80 cm

Mauro Baio

nato/a a Lecco
residenza di lavoro/studio: Valmadrera, ITALIA

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021

Under 35


visualizzazioni: 432


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Although my approach is to tend more and more towards minimalism, the works are subcon- sciously loaded with symbols recognizable by a good part of the public.
Like the post-war American current, the work focuses on the concept of minimalism, geometric lines, flat and clean backgrounds.
As Germano Celant said: in minimalism the works are deprived of all accessories in a process of reduction, reaching in a certain way the zero degree of the work. There is no emotional or sym- bolic load.
Despite the almost Pop symbols, the floors of the series are exactly all this, a primary object with a strong aesthetic value that leads people to experience the work itself and not the author’s ideas. To increase the relationship between the viewer and the work, specific site installations on the ground are combined with various techniques and materials. (earth, grass, painting, etc.)
Born in Lecco by lake Como,
Graduated from the scientific high school.
His early twenties were conditioned by rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic and disabling disease.
In 2018 he graduated cum laude at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice with Professor Luca Reffo.
Since then he has aroused the interest of some of the collectors and art dealers of Milan and beyond.
Today he lives and produces in Lecco in his studio waiting for the end of the pandemic to open a new studio in Milan.