OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | O i soldi o la vita

O i soldi o la vita
digital photography, aluminum-dibond 48 x 64
48 x 64

Pierrick Gaume

nato/a a Loches, France
residenza di lavoro/studio: Loches, FRANCE

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2021


visualizzazioni: 309


Altre opere

 | Giulietta Speed

Giulietta Speed
digital photography, can be printed on paper, aluminum-dibond or on other materials at 48 x 64 cm or at a larger size
original image file: 3448 x 4592 pixels at 180 dpi. uploaded copy: 900x1200 pixels at 180 dpi

 | Balconi Telescopici

Balconi Telescopici
digital photography, can be printed on paper, aluminum-dibond or on other materials at 36 x 64 cm or at a larger size
original: 2576 x 4592 pixels at 180 dpi. uploaded copy: 678x1200 pixels at 180 dpi

 | Green Diversity

Green Diversity
digital photography, can be printed on paper, aluminum-dibond or on other materials at 48 x 64 cm or at a larger size
original image file: 3448 x 4592 pixels at 180 dpi. uploaded copy: 900x1200 pixels at 180 dpi

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

With its winter reflections on the hood of a Dodge Challenger, « O i soldi o la vita » is quite special among Gaumé’s Automorphoses. As it shows an expensive sportscar’s hood sticker graphics blending into lines of leafless tree trunks and limbs, it illustrates the dilemma of today’s automobile addicts: if they keep guzzling gas and aggravating climate change, their cars like the Challenger are seen reflecting seemingly dead trees. If they want to choose life — la vita—, they should give up on their obsession for environment-unfriendly status symbols like cars and money — i soldi. This is exactly what I did when reselling my car in December 2019. Until today in April 2021, I completely shifted towards car-sharing, walking, and picturing life outdoors as often as I can.