Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Zhonghua attended Royal College of Art in London to research Humanwear. He is an observer in the dystopian spectacle of China’s post hyper-globalization social spectacle. Growing up in a big economic era, he creates realistic art as an idealist in the midst of changes and conflicts in perception. In addition to this, he applies a sociological mindset to fashion to see it as “the art of the possible”.
The ”notReadymade” documents the cradle-to-grave life cycle of a group of commodities to make a gentle disruption to the system. The truth is portrayed through a performance of multiple depositions, by duplicating the external form of a ready-made product.
The aim is to visualize the hundreds of production relationships that are hidden by the “simple act of payment.” The aim is to visualize the invisible violence of “industrial manufactured demand” and its attendant modernity at large.
You will find them on display in retail shops. A bizarre piece hiding among other items, reproduced by real workers, which record the labour process with the fingerprints left behind. It once paled in the midst of promotional crowds, while still walking gently into the good night with drunken gourmets in the heart of the metropolis. Birthplace is a far cry from urgency.
“These violent delights have violent ends.” The garments from the installation make their final deposition to life in the rubbish collection, as white and clean as the primordial state of everything. Erased from workers and consumers, its life will continue forever in the toxic and beautiful cycle of commercialization.
Fashion is performed on time, when the means designed to achieve an end become the end itself, the possibility of achieving the end is cancelled. Things without a price are perhaps more significant than readymade products. Doing something notReadymade offers the best moments, as people can then participate in fashion as a creator instead of being defined by the demands created by system and thus go against alienation and personally enjoy both fashion and life.