OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | One at the 20 dreams of time of Einstein

One at the 20 dreams of time of Einstein
etching/aquarel, frame
two circles 16 - 36 cm frame 70x50

Carla KleeKamp Ferdinandus

nato/a a
residenza di lavoro/studio: Hilversum, NETHERLANDS

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2022


visualizzazioni: 180


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

My work consist mainly of etchings, collages,waterpaintings
nijimi and drawings.
The making of these is for me possibility to express my deepest feelings.
In my work, the pure line remains
for me the most important medium. Both a scholarship for a
visit to Japan and lessons from a Chinese teacher has been very
helpful in this aspect.
The questions about the truth
of images, news is for me a continuous effort to express,
my own vision in themes that concern me. Which values, of me and others, define our interpretation of reality,
The human standard is based on
interests, money, and I try to express the consequences of these in my work.
Most of the themes in my work
are focused on the continuous
suppression and exhaustion of nature by human beings.
The effect of our overbearing
economy-Thomas Rau- has daily
consequences, which we can see and feel, climate change,plastic soup, fine dust, disappearing of the BioDiversity.