OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia


heliogravure (photogravure on copperplate) + hand pulled letterpress, paper
28,5 x 19cm (x3 +1)

Carles Mitjà

nato/a a Barcelona
residenza di lavoro/studio: Estada, SPAIN

iscritto/a dal 29 apr 2022


visualizzazioni: 240


Altre opere

 | Ammonoidea

heliogravure (photogravure on copperplate), paper
28,5 x 19cm

 | Echinoidea

heliogravure (photogravure on copperplate), paper
28,5 x 19cm

 | Gastropoda

heliogravure (photogravure on copperplate), paper
28,5 x 19cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

The correspondence between Charles Wheatstone and William Henry Fox Talbot, reveals that the first was deeply interested into the application of the Stereoscopy to the recently appeared Photography. Later, on 1858, Wheatstone required Talbot about the interest it would have to print stereoscopic images by his new method of Photogravure (Photoglyphic Engraving). Nevertheless, there is not an evidence of Talbot answering this request, nor­ testimonial about he have executed any stereoscopic photogravure. Fossils of Ammonoidea, Echinoidea and Gastropoda have been taken as a photographic subjects, being in turn the footprint of a common past. In the final step of the project, the footprint of the copperplate on the paper don’t dare to represent the end of the path, but only one more of the footprints contributing to close the circle of complicities between stereoscopy and photogravure. Also serve this work as a simple tribute to the work developed by those pioneers of the respective techniques.
Finished in Estada, November 2021