Descrizione Opera / Biografia
Un cappello da baseball dipinto a mano raffigurante un teschio sorridente e´ posizionato sul pavimento di uno spazio illuminato interamente da luce rosa (gelatine cinematografiche, marca LEE Filters no. 111, dark pink).
Sotto il cappello da baseball e´ posizionato un wireless speaker che riproduce in loop un file audio.
Audio transcript:
voice 1: So, this is a test...
voice 1: You can´t grow like this, you can´t grow like this..
voice 3: WHAT THE HELL?!
voice 1: You can´t grow like this..
voice 4: I´M SORRY, WHAT??
voice 1: You can´t grow like this, you can´t grow like this..
voice 5: WHAT DID YOU SAY?
voice 1: You can´t grow like this, you can´t grow like this..
voice 5: (phone ringing) HELLO WHAT YOU DOIN´?
voice 1: You can´t grow like this, you can´t grow like this..
voice 6: WHAAAAAAT?
voice 1: You can´t grow like this, you can´t grow like this..
voice 7: WHAT THE HELL?!
voice 1: You can´t grow like this..
voice 8: WHAT?
voice 1: You can´t grow like this, you can´t grow like this..
voice 9: WHAT´S UP BABY!
voice 1: You cannot grow like this...
Nata a Roma 1984. Vive e lavora tra Roma e Berlino.
2014-15 Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam!
2010 “Meisterschülerbrief” (Master of Arts) from Georg Herold
2006- 2013 Diploma all ́Accademia di Belle Arti di Düsseldorf
2003- 2006 BA in Scienze Politiche, Universita ́ Luiss Roma
2021- Berliner Senat Stipendium
2020- Ursula Wanders Stiftung Förderpreis
2019- AA artist in residence, Auswertiges Amt Berlin
2018- Residenza ROSE, Mambo, Bologna!
2017- Hans- Purrmann Förderpreis
2016- Projectsubsidies, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
2016- Beweezen Talent Bijdrag, Mondriaan Fonds
2015- Vincitrice dello Strabag Art Award
2015- Drop in subsidies, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
2011- Artista invitata per la 52a Settimana della Cultura Italiana a L ́Avana, Cuba
2010- Borsa di Studio Katmandu Contemporary Arts Centre
2004- Borsa di Studio alla Salzburg Academy
2022 - Kids´ room, Greengrassi, Londra
2021- POV You are my leftovers and I’m happy to see you, curato da Lorenzo Benedetti
Fondazione Volume!, Roma
2021- Deep Dive with Justitia, curato da Peter Bencze, Kunsthalle Kosice, Kosice
2021- SOBSOBSOBSOBSOB, Stigter Van Doesburg, Amsterdam
2021- Mock Object, Spaced Out, Gut Kerkow, Berlino
2020- Milky Seas, PSM, Berlino
2019- Complexity Cost, Greengrassi, Londra
2019- YOU ́RE HIRED!, Museo Villa delle Rose, Bologna
2019- Infinity pool, Polansky Gallery, Praga
2018- Ancient Workers, Kunstfort Vijfhuizen, Olanda
2018- Credit Card, VHDG, Leeuwarden, Olanda
2017- PREMIUM CLIENT, PSM Gallery, Berlino
2017- Bonsai Feeling, Kunstverein Norimberga
2017- SS SAD SYMPHONY, Frutta, Roma
2017- Judge Judy Judas, curato da Carla Donauer, PIK, Colonia
2016- UNFASTEN SEAT BELT, Jeanine Hofland, Amsterdam
2016- The fear of killing, The fear of being killed, Le Foyer, Zurigo
2016- Multiple choice double happiness, i-project, Pechino
2016- Asphalt Paintings, Strabag Art Lounge, Vienna
2016- Discrete Justice, PSM Gallery, Berlino
2015- MEETING 4D, Silberkuppe, Berlino
2015- National Character, curato da Thomas Caron, billboard series, 019, Ghent
2015- On display, curato da Gislind Köhler, Basis, Francoforte
2014- Goya, project space south, Rijksakademie, Amsterdam
2013- BIG HAMS, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
2010- Museum Kunstraum Neuss, Neuss
2010- Y.I.A., S. Francisco Convent, L ́Avana
2022- Thunder in your throat, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlino
2021- Andante, curato da Linghzi Zhuang, Linseed Project, Shanghai
2021- Impatience of the future shore, X Zeller van Almsick, Vienna
2020- Beyond Nuclear Family, Jindrich Chalupecky Society, Praga
2020- Dizzy Mouse, Zeller van Almsick, Vienna
2020- Four little stories, Cabinet Studiolo, Milano
2020- group show Stigter van Doesburg, Amsterdam
2019- Kronos & Kairos, curato da Lorenzo Benedetti, Museo del Palatino, Roma
2019- Camouflage, curato da Lorenzo Benedetti, Lok Kunstmuseum, San Gallo
2018- My body doesn ́t like summer, curato da Steven Kent, Haverkampf Gallery, Berlino
2017- There will be nothing left to suck, curato da DOW Collective, Bank Space Gallery, Londra
2017- Djima, curato da Janneke de Vries, GAK Brema
2017- Banana Banana 2, curato da Li Zhenhua, Diskurs, Berlino
2016- 3rd Animation Biennial Shenzhen, curated by Li Zhenhua, Shenzhen
2016- Banana Banana, curated by Li Zhenhua, Pechino
2016- Group show, Greengrassi, Londra
2016- Container jetzt, curato da Wanda Koller, Düsseldorf
2016- Canale Grande, curato da Benedict Hipp, Kunstverein Pfaffenhofen
2016- Catherine Biocca, Cornelia Baltes, Rosalie Schweizinger, Mission Gallery, Swansea
2016- January blues, FRUTTA, Roma
2015- IGST, curato da Sara van Woerden, Komplot, Brussel
2015- I Whish I Never Kissed That Frog, Jeanine Hofland, Amsterdam
2015- 3rd Ural Biennial, curated by Li Zhenhua, Yekaterinburg