Descrizione Opera / Biografia
‘Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
ché la diritta via era smarrita.
Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura
esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte
che nel pensier rinova la paura!’
Dante, Canto 1 Inferno, Divina Commedia
This image is part of the series Contrapasso, reflecting on temporality and perception of both, the subject represented and the self in motion and the continuous narratives created.
The voyage undertaken at the middle point of the path of our life launches the storyline starting from Dante’s Divina Commedia first Canto. The voyager-poet lost in a visionary landscape began his journey and great project of creating a virtual reality through the poem. Temporality, perception, representation, and the relationship between subject and object are the core theme of the project. And photography is the medium to investigate them.
This series has been deeply influenced by Italo Calvino’s writings reflecting on the processes of describing the landscape and the memory of places.
Chiara Zandonà is an artist working with photography, born in Italy and based in London. Her research focuses on the relationship between photography and the collective visual vocabulary, between digital images, the technological unconscious, and perception in a hyper consumer focus culture. Exploring the processes leading images to shape our visual culture, through conscious or unconscious methodologies, she examines the outcomes and patterns of production and consumption of images.
Her work has been exhibited and featured internationally on Shutter Hub, Outlast Journal, Exquisite Futures by Revolve Collective, Fotopub Photography Festival, Photomonth East London, Uncertain States, James Oliver Gallery – Philadelphia -, Brighton Photo Fringe, and Fondazione Forma – Milan-.