OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Fotografia

 | Apotheosis

60 x 60 x 3

David Solomita

nato/a a Brooklyn, New York
residenza di lavoro/studio: San Francisco, UNITEDSTATES

iscritto/a dal 26 apr 2022


visualizzazioni: 499


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Throughout my life I have had a constant aesthetic which revolves around light, color and volume which I use to create unique spaces. The work is an attempt to create environs for people to inhabit upon viewing and experiencing them.
I am working with large formats and as I move forward I will be pushing the images to even larger final prints. This is intended to allow the collaboration between the work and the viewer to be physical as well as cognitive. The work has a presence, which I hope is enticing and inescapable for any audience.
I strive for a certain level of visual ambiguity so that the viewer can be an active participant in the work and interpret something that is of value to them. Additionally, I hope that one is surprised each time they visit a piece and that new things are experienced.
Each unique image represents one space to be lived in and played with, it is only when you look away that one is grounded in a less comforting reality. It has been my pleasure to witness some viewers spending a considerable amount of time with individual works and not looking away.