OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Pittura

 | No Noise Please

No Noise Please
abstract, acrylic and oil pencil on canvas

Dmitry Artyukhin

nato/a a Gorkiy
residenza di lavoro/studio: Gdynia, POLAND

iscritto/a dal 30 apr 2022


visualizzazioni: 172


Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Doctor of physics and mathematics with deep focus on studying of brain and neuron dynamic, electronic circuits and using different models to prototype the different physical processes of brain activity. Self-taught artist since 2013 learning the way how colors and textures help perceivers to trigger their own emotions, how to transform feeling and emotions into abstract representation and vice versa how colors, textures and images influence us as human being. Combining physical models with artistic nature, looking for synergy between analytical approach and emotional context of life.
I’m looking at emotions from two different points of view. The first one is emotions as emotions, i.e., visible and invisible reflection of our feelings. The second one is mathematical and physical models that describes nerve oscillations, brain activity etc. Combination of those is reflected in my artworks.
I’m trying to decompose into elements different aspects of our life that includes emotions, people nature, events, environment. I’m trying to look at world around as a a combination of emotions and some basic components, I would say atoms which are basic elements of us as human being.