OPERA IN CONCORSO | Sezione Grafica

 | Andromeda and Perseus

Andromeda and Perseus
ink, shellac ink, acryl, bristolboard
57x40 cm

Holger Triltsch

nato/a a Staaken
residenza di lavoro/studio: Werder, GERMANY

iscritto/a dal 16 apr 2022


visualizzazioni: 362


Altre opere

 | Good morning Darling

Good morning Darling
ink, shellac ink, acryl, bristolboard
42x33 cm

 | Adam and Eve Part 2

Adam and Eve Part 2
ink, shellac ink, acryl, bristolboard
30x30 cm

 | Temptation of Danae

Temptation of Danae
ink, shellac ink, acryl, bristolboard
56x42 cm

Descrizione Opera / Biografia

Born in 1966 near Berlin Triltsch grew up in East Germany. Now he lives in Werder/Havel which is closed to Potsdam. Triltsch exhibits his work in several european cities like Potsdam, Halle, Hamburg, Brandenburg, Wien, Zuerich, Madrid, Venice and London.
”As a little boy I loved to draw while sitting at the gigantic wooden desk of my grandfather. I drew everything around me like stones, mussels, buttons, coins, plants, birds and clouds. This was my own way to discover the world. Now five decades later I still draw and paint with the same fascination observing the inexhaustible wealth of forms and colors in our world. Last week I was impressed by the shimmering light on an old leather sofa, yesterday I marveled at the beauty of wrinkled skin around the eyes of an woman and today I was amused about a flock of crows fighting over a walnut. Thus every day I always find new ingredients fort he next drawing or painting. Then working on it I combine different techniques of drawing and painting as well as themes from classical mythology and the Renaissance with my own experiences and perspectives.”